With an innovative profile, the Energis 8 Brasil Group has since 2015 included products for the chemical specialty segments in its business portfolio, serving our customers in a functional way with high quality raw materials and cutting-edge technology to serve the most diverse segments of the industry. transformation and processing.
Além dos produtos que já comercializamos atualmente, tais como: Óleos Minerais Parafínicos, Naftênicos , Aromáticos, Óleos Brancos Graus Técnicos e USP, Vaselinas Liquidas e Sólidas.

Mineral Basics Oil
To meet market demand, we provide our customers with Basic Mineral Oils, which are obtained by distilling petroleum, followed by paraffin extraction and hydrotreatment.
They can be classified as: Paraffinic, Groups I, II and III, Naphthenic and Aromatic of Group V, in the most diverse specifications.
Apresentam uma ampla gama de aplicações na Indústria de Lubrificantes Automotivos e Industriais, Borracha, Pneumáticos, Óleos de Processo, Plastificantes, Isolantes, Antiespumantes, Desmoldantes, Tintas e Vernizes, Industrias de Plásticos e Indústrias Químicas.
Products from the Oil Industry with highly qualified local and global suppliers.

White Oils and USP
To meet market demand, we offer a complete line with the main Technical and USP Grade White Mineral Oils, which are obtained through the hydrotreatment process to remove organic compounds considered as impurities and which are present in petroleum derivatives, as well as complying with current legislation.
Our USP Grade White Mineral Oils follow the standards of international pharmacopoeias and can be used in the Lubricant, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food, Packaging, Resin, Textile, Masterbacht and Adhesive Paint Industries.